Online Fee Payment

Fee collection and fee payment are essential features both for the school and the parents. Keeping the fee details transparent and the collection easy and smooth would ensure that the school is able to manage the accounts in a better way, as well as the parents get to know the details of fees collected well in advance and can make necessary arrangements.


Fee collection is the primary function in the activities of the school, and long unwinding queues in the middle of a busy day can be real tiresome for the accounts department as well as would interrupt the busy schedule of parents. Electronic payment would ensure more transparency in fee details, easy payment and is environment friendly.

Edstem has a robust fee collection and management module. The school can set the fee types and installments, as well as decide on the discounts and waivers. Transportation fees can be set based on the pickup and drop off points, and any type of fees can be segregated and collected for easy accounting purposes. The fee details, with applicable discounts, can be published to the parents at the beginning of the academic year, making the whole process flawless, smooth and transparent.

The online payment system is seamlessly integrated with the bank, with reconciliation and settlement reports to substantiate the online payments made. Fee reminders can be set based on the due dates. The school office will also have provision to collect the payments in any form, including cash, cheque or credit card, and each of these are detailed for tally and accounting purposes.

The parents get to know the fee details and the due dates well in advance, so the same can be planned and paid upfront. The online payment integration makes sure that the parents would not need to be in long queues to make the payment. The bills are detailed and downloadable.

Edstem also supports wide range of reports for school management, including collection reports, consolidated reports, fee snapshots for individual students, receivables for the year, fee defaulters report with parent contact details, and much more. The transactions are crisp and clear and can be viewed and reviewed by any level of users in the school management chain, ensuring better co-ordination and understanding between the management hierarchies.